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lambda (9 мая 2022 14:34) №65
[color=#990000]A few moments later...[/color]

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

Apologies for being quiet for so long. I just really wanted a break and to be able to forget about this project for a while.
I can see a lot of unread messages, if you sent me one and I didn't reply, don't worry, I wasn't ignoring you specifically. I haven't read anyone's I'm afraid, however I'm going to get around to it asap.
I'm feeling much happier now and want to start working on the game again. I created a little scene last weekend and it felt good doing it.
That said I'm not going to be working at the pace I was before. I'm going to take it easy and work as I feel happy doing so. I don't want to get into the situation again where the joy is gone and It feels more like a non stop grind.
I've been pausing the monthly billing every month since last year. I'm am going to continue to do that until I have the next update ready, at that point I will look at un-pausing the billing. I'll be sure to let you guys know before I do so. As for an ETA on the next update, at this point I have no idea.
I also won't be making regular weekly posts anymore, I'll just make them as and when I have something worth sharing.
Speaking of things to share, I haven't been completely idle, I did still play around with Daz a bit and I created the above renders. I hope you enjoy them.

You may notice Captain Stewart has a different hair style. I've never been 100% happy with her original hair style and I'm considering changing it. I made a little comparison image, let me know what you think.

That's all I can think of for now so I'll leave it there.
Thank you all as always and take care.
Alexy111 (8 мая 2022 08:47) №64
Там разраб ожил..
Joylev (16 февраля 2022 00:10) №63
А бог его знает, когда разработчик выпустит её, последняя активность на патреоне - поздравление с Рождеством в конце декабря.
warlockdmb (15 февраля 2022 15:45) №62
А когда следующие будут ( 0.3+) , неизвестно ?
Joylev (15 февраля 2022 00:35) №61
warlockdmb, В конце ноября был апдейт 0.2 на английском, но там контента ничтожно малое количество, переводить смысла нет.
warlockdmb (14 февраля 2022 00:22) №60
когда обновления будут ?( уже прошло сто лет
PossyJooce23 (28 декабря 2021 13:13) №59
Roked Sky,
Для создания моделей и рендеров использует daz, а сама игра работает на ренпае
lambda (24 декабря 2021 09:52) №58
Merry Christmas

Hi guys, I just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
I did a few renders for you all, I hope you enjoy.


Thank you all as always and take care.
Roked Sky (16 декабря 2021 03:08) №57
Кто нибудь знает какими прогами он пользуется для создания рендеров,да и в целом для создания игры?
lambda (24 ноября 2021 07:53) №56
Stars Of Salvation 0.2

Игра PC:

Игра MAC:


Update: There was a bug in the game logic where if you viewed the "Test results" dialog with Veronika before completing the "Cell sample" quest the following "Sperm donation" quest will not unlock correctly. I have attached a patch below that should fix this. Though players will need to go back to a point where they can complete the cell samples quest again.
Just use the files included to overwrite the ones in the game's /game folder.
Mr Envy (15 ноября 2021 09:44) №55
ну понятно... обнов не будет но патроны подкидывайте.
lambda (15 ноября 2021 06:26) №54
Sorry for the delay

Hey guys, I hope everyone is okay.

I just want to say sorry the current update is taking so long. I really hoped to have it done by now but It's been a bit of a struggle the past few weeks.

I hate to make excuses but I feel at least an explanation is needed.

I would say I've been struggling for motivation but motivation is not the right word, I've really wanted to get this update finished but I've been lacking the creative spark or inspiration to make it happen. Instead it's been a bit of an unenjoyable grind which then only seems to make it harder to think creatively and productively.

I think after the update is done I'm going to take a break, at least until the new year. I think I will also reassess how much time I spend working of this project.

Right now it pretty much consumes most of my free time, If I ever take some time for myself to relax I only end up feeling under more pressure catch up. So far I've been able to keep working productively but it's finally starting to catch up with me. As much as I enjoy working on this project, when I start to struggle I begin to hate it too.

I think it is partly down to the way I accept support through patreon and it's monthly billing cycle. I feel a massive obligation to keep working each month as to not let you all down. I try my best not to promise anything as not to feel guilt when I can't deliver. I've accepted all your support over the years as its the only way I have been able justify spending the as much time working on this project as I do. Obviously this is none of your fault, you have all been amazing, this is pressure I can't help but put on myself.

I want to continue working on this project, I think I just need to be able do it my own pace, without pressure, what ever that pace happens to be. I will have look into some alternative way of accepting support. Something so people can give when I actually deliver rather than at regular time intervals.

I hope you all understand.
Thank you all as always and take care.
MattewRopuha (15 ноября 2021 06:10) №53
В отличии от [ICSTOR] работает человек
Mr Envy (8 ноября 2021 16:17) №52
к новому году 0.2 выпустит... наверное
lambda (8 ноября 2021 12:24) №51
Spread em

Hi guys, I hope everyone is well.
Just a quick one this week, I think I'm done with renders now unless I've missed something. I just need to do a little bit of writing and get everything coded up in renpy, Hopefully it should be done for sometime next week.
Fun renders of Dani this week. The outfit is called Street Bad Cop but the badge on it says security. Whatever the case, she can give my a strip search anytime she wants.

Anyway, that's all I have for now.
Thank you all as always and take care.
Only skin deep

Hi guys, I hope everyone is well.
I finally got my second animation complete and it's rendering right now. It took more time that I hoped but think I've also learned a lot in the process too.
What I will do now is finish the scene up and start tying up other loose ends so I can put out an update asap, I can't be sure how much longer it will take but I'll keep you guys informed.

Speaking of learning things, I did a few 4k renders of Veronika a few weeks back.
When setting the renders up I experimented with the tone mapping settings. Normally I use settings where I try to keep bright areas from being too bright and the dark areas too dark, and then in post I can tweak the levels myself to add more contrast and whatnot.
What I realized is that the settings I've been using, while keeping the overall scene brightness even, have also been dampening a lot of detail in the renders, particularly the specular reflections on the characters skin. Detail that once lost, I can't bring back in post.
With that in mind I've adjusted my standard settings and thinking for something that's hopefully for the better.
I guess where getting close to that spooky time of year so that's the theme for this weeks fun renders. I always thought that that cute and innocent demeanor of Lisa's was a facade. Turns out shes a demon! A sexy succubus out to drain you of your...

Anyway... that's all I have for you for now, I hope you enjoy.
Thank you all as always and take care.
lambda (20 октября 2021 09:50) №50
Smoking hot

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

Things are fine here. I've mostly been working on a scene with Veronika this past week, I've still got a bit more to do though. I'm hoping to do a couple of animations and try out a few things in blender on them, it might cost a little more time but it should be hopefully be worth it, assuming things work as I hope.
The next update may be a little lighter than the first render wise as I've had to spend time working on the code and such. I think I've mostly cracked it now though, at least until I release and the reports of bugs start pouring in.

4k renders of Kelly this week. I saw this outfit and figured it was for some kind of fantasy red/fire mage/witch. Nothing to do with sci-fi but quite fitting for a red head like Kelly. I hope you enjoy anyway.

That's all I have for now.
Thank you all as always and take care of yourselves.
You look like you need a drink

Hey everyone, I hope you're all well.

Progress has been a bit difficult this week. I've been working on the animations I mentioned last week, but it's taken a little more time than I hoped. Daz studio just plain sucks when trying to do anything where you want objects to appear to touch and interact with each other. Pretty much anything I want to do has to be a custom morph that I have to create and import into Daz.
That said I've got the first animation done and it's rendering now. I'm happy with it for the most part, I couldn't quite get the exact look I was hoping for but that may simply be down to the size of the objects being animated :).
I'm working on the second animation now but I've had to do some other things first. I've been using a custom mesh (geograft) for the characters breasts so I can import them into blender at a higher resolution than if I had just used the base character mesh. I realized I needed to do this when I was playing around with simulating Nikki and Karen squashing the breasts and such earlier in the year. I've mainly used it on Ellie so far to make her boobs look squashed in by her top.
This has worked reasonably well but one problem I've noticed is that as I made it a single mesh for both breasts and because I use a setting in blender that simulates pressure, if one breast gets squeezed it causes the other to inflate :p. Not a problem if things are perfectly symmetrical but I'd like to not have to restrict myself like that.
The solution was just to create a geograft for each breast separately, only I forgot how I did it the first time months ago and kept running into problems with UV mapping and weird distortions, but I've manage to resolve that now.

I also created my own custom nipple morph. There are nipple assets on the market but they use their own geografts that would mean I can't use my own.
It's simple but still better than the default nipple shape that looks kinda undefined I think.

I did fun 4k renders of Misato this week. In my head she is of Japanese heritage but this outfit is perhaps more chinese in style? I don't know, I'm not an expert on asian culture I'm afraid, I hope she isn't too offended.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and that's all I have for you for now.
Thank you all as always and take care.
Templar282 (20 октября 2021 05:39) №49
Все супер, графон, вступление, персонажи... Правда я не выкупил пять вылетов с моей оперативой на телефоне в 4 гига. Крч, жду продолжения)
IIIoKo6uT (12 октября 2021 11:44) №48
Пока листал диалоги до дрочки ручками доктора, раза 5 выкинуло, хорошо что я начинал сохранятся как понимал что выкинет с игры. Дойдя уже непосредственно до самой дрочки, где выходит меню с управлением скорости и прочим сразу выкидывает с игры. Круто че.
lambda (7 октября 2021 06:44) №47
And I'm back.

Hey everyone, I hope you are all well.

I'm back, real life issues are sorted. I don't foresee anymore interruptions now until the holidays so I can get back to work in earnest.
Not much to update you guys on as I haven't been able to do much. I did bash together a few different assets to create the above corridor that's supposed to provide access to the crew quarters.

I've also done some fun 4k renders of Ellie. I went for a Kickboxing/MMA themed outfit as it seems to fit with her character. I hope you enjoy.

That's all I have for now.
Thank you all as always and take care.
lambda (23 сентября 2021 15:31) №46
apk это и есть zip, он открывается как zip любым архиватором, а с 4pda даже скачивается иногда в zip заместо apk

Цитата: wikipedia.org
APK (англ. Android Package) — формат архивных исполняемых файлов-приложений для Android и ряда других операционных систем, основанных на Android.
Файлы этого формата не шифруются, являются подмножеством формата архива ZIP.

Ручками переименовываем, и всё)
Mr Envy (23 сентября 2021 14:20) №45
1629205065_starsofsalvation-0.1-rus.zip ЭТО ZZZZZZIIIIIIIIP карл!!!
Alexcorton (23 сентября 2021 11:11) №44
Да, файл почему-то не распознаётся как apk, и пытается открыться rar-ом, если вообще отображается в файлах.
yaroslavgusev (23 сентября 2021 08:54) №43
Ребят как открыть этот формат на андроиде?
Mr Envy (19 сентября 2021 19:34) №42
что то пилить всегда выгодно! но похабщина в нынешних реалиях всё более ограничивается в интернете! а во в реале ходить с писькой наголо.... ет никого не парит. двойные стандарты мать их))
Joylev (19 сентября 2021 16:12) №41
Mr Envy,
Так а чё, пилить похабщину сейчас довольно выгодно.
Mr Envy (18 сентября 2021 16:22) №40
Я не хотел покупать 3090 по текущим ценам, но мне пришлось.... бабла у чела куры не клюют))
lambda (18 сентября 2021 10:35) №39
The good, the bad and the ugly

Hi all,
I just wanted to make a post to update you all on some recent developments. Some good some bad.

Good news is that I bought a RTX 3090, it performs great and hopefully the 24GB of vram should help in any future scenes that have multiple figures in :)

Bad news is that I was somewhat forced into purchasing it as one of my 2080 ti's died on Monday night. I believe it's out of warranty now, but it may be repairable as it seems to be a memory issue, if not I may still be able to sell it on eBay for parts, to recover some money at least.
I've been reluctant to buy a 3090 at the current prices but I had to go ahead and just bite the bullet. I thought the prices were starting to come down but it seems things might be the way they are for quite a while to come yet. Oh well, it's great to have a 3090 at last, it's faster at rendering than I expected, it's just bittersweet that it came at the cost of a 2080 ti.

Perhaps the worst news is that I've got some shall we say unexpected real life duties/commitments. My free time to work on the game will probably be severely curtailed for the next 2 weeks.
In light of that I will put the monthly billing on hold so no one should get charged at the end of the month.
I'm sorry about this, I hope you all understand.

Thank you all as always and take care.
Let me inject you with my...

Hi guys, I hope everyone is well.

I'm good here, still making progress.
I've put together a basic replay interface, I've done it through the main menu for now and it's mostly empty at the moment, I guess I'll have to work on that part.
I've also been working the quest log screen for helping guide the player, I've got a layout I'm happy with, I just need to finish doing the code so the information updates as the player progresses.
Not much else to report really. I'll have another outfit poll up soon.

4k renders of Veronika this time. I wasn't going for anything specific with these, the poses are from a pack that included a gun asset so I used it. Could this be evil saboteur Veronika? :) I quite like the last one, very secret agent looking.

Well that's all I have for now, I hope you all enjoy.
Thank you all as always and take care.
lambda (10 сентября 2021 12:54) №38
Getting around

Hi guys, It's only me again, I hope everyone is well.

I spent a good portion of this week working on code and the UI. I think I now have a functioning navigation system. The player can click the location they want to go to and then click any characters they find there to interact with them. Basic stuff but I want to keep it simple anyway.
I've also got a time of day system. I've broken the day up in to four parts/shifts/watches, whatever. Morning, afternoon, evening and night. I don't plan on tracking day of the week or anything like that.
I still need to create a kind of log screen where the player can see what they need to be doing to advance the story with each character. It can also serve as a way to inform the player when they are at the end of the currently available content.
I also want a replay system, my first thought was to have the player access it though something in game, the console in the MC's quarters for example, or would players rather just access it from the main menu? The main menu is probably easier to code anyway.

I think that's enough rambling for now. I did a few 4k renders of Sam in some tight sexy pants, I think they look great on her. I only regret not doing a render of her squatting or something, you guys will just have to use your imagination. I on the other hand...

That's all for me for now, I hope you all enjoy.
Thank you all as always and take care of yourselves.
Викториан (2 сентября 2021 20:10) №37
скачал игру,разархивировал
а она не хочет запускаться и выдаёт ошибку
Mr Envy (1 сентября 2021 20:08) №36
а мне даже очень! всё жду подобную игру по маскинэфэкт! с Тали'Зора в главной роли))
65 Комментариев
